Saturday, January 31, 2015

Fiber Festival and Spinning Wheels

This weekend is the Oxford Fiber Arts Festival! For someone with an addiction to fibers it is the worse place in the world to go to, but I went anyway.

Yesterday I took a spinning class hoping I wouldn’t like it, it didn’t work. My yarn isn't the prettiest, but I'm hooked and want to buy a spinning wheel.

When I thought about spinning wheels I thought about the old fashion kind you see in paintings. These are called Saxony designs. 
The Interlude from Kromski 

What I learned yesterday is there is also what is called the Castle design. The Castle design stands more upright and takes up much less room. 
The Minstrel from Kromski
The wheel I used in the class was a castle design from Kromski called the Minstrel. Of course I fell in love with it and want one and ... it’s one of the more expensive wheels. I really hate when I fall in love with expensive things because it’s hard to convince myself to go for the cheaper versions. However, it does take up much less room than the cheaper alternative so that’s helpful.

Not only did the teacher sell me on the idea of buying a spinning wheel she also sold me on the idea of owning sheep and a llama (she said one llama will be enough).  

I am still debating on which style to get and these are the two I narrowed it down to. 

Saxony design called the Interlude

Castle design called Minstrel

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